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During a human genetics and precision medicine lecture it was stated approximately 50% of SSRI's are ineffective in the treatment of depression in patients due to pharmacogenetic factors. The misdiagnosis of therapuetic medications can be avoided with correct prior screening of patients using newly developed technologies. Current technologies allow for the genetic screening of individuals but the technology is rarely used in a common clincal setting, after learning about the possibilty to prevent misdiagnosis using genetic data a decision was made to create medicamina, an application which will allow indivduals to carry around their vital genetic, previous diagnostic, and family history information. Medicamina's goal was to move the center of information from the physicians cabinet to the patients pocket and for the patinet to be able to grant a doctor access to information while also being able to intrepret the data themselves. A model was designed in which the individual will get a genetic test and have the results sent to their devices, then this information can be used at every consultation to prevent misdiagnosis at any clinic.- Founded a startup dedicated to changing the practice of medicine from traditional methods of prescription to a precision medicine approach using whole genome sequencing and databases preventing pharmacogenetic misdiagnosis - Developing a cross-platform application using Flutter, SQL and material design in the dart programming language available on desktop, mobile and watchOS for seamless client-consultant information flow - Advancing with the view to study a Medicine Doctorate and a Master of Medicine (in Genomics and Precision Medicine) at the end of my robotics degree During a human genetics and precision medicine class a lecture was given in which it was stated approximately 50% of SSRI's are ineffective in the treatment of depression in patients due to pharmacogenetic factors. The misdiagnosis of therapuetic medications can be avoided with correct prior screening of patients using newly developed technologies. Current technologies allow for the genetic screening of individuals but the technology is rarely used in a common clincal setting, after learning about the possibilty to prevent misdiagnosis using genetic data a decision was made to create medicamina, an application which will allow indivduals to carry around their vital genetic, previous diagnostic, and family history information. Medicamina's goal was to move the center of information from the physicians cabinet to the patients pocket and for the patinet to be able to grant a doctor access to information while also being able to intrepret the data themselves. A model was designed in which the individual will get a genetic test and have the results sent to their devices, then this information can be used at every consultation to prevent misdiagnosis at any clinic.